Cheyney Group Marketing: Hyperkin ‘SMART BOY’ Joke Actually a Market Test

What everyone thought was just another April Fool’s prank turned out to be a clever market testing strategy. Gaming retailer Hyperkin has unveiled a hardware emulator that can turn an iPhone into a Game Boy on April 1 with the following an…

Cheyney Group Accounting Software review - Tips for lyckad familj

Mer an 30.000 familjeforetag har inrattats i Storbritannien sedan 2010 och har nu 9,4 miljoner arbetstillfallen, enligt forskning av Oxford Economics for Institute for familjeforetag. Studien, som publicerades i december 2014, visade att a…

Cheyney Group Accounting Software review - Hur du lokaliserar ditt varumarke

Underskatta aldrig kraften i forestallning. Om du serverar en client group i en liten avlagsen placering, det kommer att visa sig vara fordelaktigt att gora ditt infodda till landet. Du kan gora detta pa ett antal olika satt. Forsta, desig…

Cheyney Group Accounting: Responsabilité

Responsabilité La responsabilité doit être clairement établie pour chaque tâche. Ceci élimine le défi de déterminer qui est fautif, si quelque chose tourne mal. Par exemple, dans un magasin de détail, chaque caisse devrait être responsable…

Cheyney Group Accounting: Protect Your Business from Fraud

Protect Your Business from Fraud: Keep Your Financial Information Secure Fraud: It’s a Bigger Problem Than You Think Your growing business has to fend off many different kinds of threats: competition, economic changes, and the rising costs…